Our loofah scourers are made from the fruits of the plant Lufa cylindrica, also known as sponge gourd or Egyptian cucumber. It is said that even the Egyptian queen Cleopatra herself had known that besides being suitable for making delicious salad, loofah can be used to produce splendid cosmetic utensils.
Ripe fruits of loofah resemble cucumber. For processing, they get peeled and soaked in water until the seeds and the soft flesh come out. What remain are firm fibres. Having been dried out and cleaned, they turn into natural sponges, scourers and other useful tools.
Even though a dry loofah is firm and coarse, it softens and increases its volume quickly after soaking. Due to this specific property, loofah is an ideal choice for massaging tired muscles and gentle face care as well as a prevention against cellulite. Using a loofah promotes blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin. A perfect alternative to plastic massage sponges and washcloths.